Free myanmar love story
Free myanmar love story

free myanmar love story

My appreciation goes to U Sonny Nyein of Swiftwind Books, for giving his permission to reprint most of these stories that first appeared in their quarterly publication ?Enchanting Myanmar” and to U Harry Hpone Thant for putting up the stories on his website of the same name. Some editing was necessary for the sake of clarity and for this I must ask forgiveness of the writers, since unlike in the publishing houses of the west we do not have a tradition of another person editing the author?s work. English in general is generally concise, whereas Burmese has a varied and at times flowery vocabulary. The structure and form of writing in English and Bamar (or Burmese, which is both the majority race and the official language) in which the original stories were written, are somewhat different. I beg pardon from those whose works were left out and I hope that better writers than I will do more than I ever could.

free myanmar love story

Due to lack of time on my part, I could not read the majority that was published there are thousands more that deserve to be presented to international readers, both short stories and novels. The collection here is a small selection from the wide choice available to the Burmese-reading public. This book is a celebration of the region’s unique heritage-a reminder that Shan State’s culture and literature are still alive."ĭescription: "Myanmar has a long and rich tradition of literature that is mostly unknown to the world, since few translations are available.


Found near the end of this book, these contemporary stories reflect both the challenges facing their communities today and the better future they are dedicated to creating-one where they are free to pursue education, return to their homeland, and live in peace.The simple continued existence of Shan State’s folktales and the enthusiasm of SSSNY’s students to record, illustrate and share them, is a legacy for the children of their country who will inherit their peoples’ history. Their stories, like them, are Kachin, Kayan, Pa-O, Shan and Wa they highlight their love of nature, family and tradition.These ancient tales also inspired many students to compose new works fitting the modern age.

free myanmar love story

They, like their parents and grandparents before, have carried these folktales on journeys through jungles, over mountains and across borders. It is somewhat remarkable then, that out of this oppression has emerged a generation of youth at home and in exile, who are dedicating their lives to promoting and preserving their culture and ethnic identities. In ethnically diverse regions like Shan State, the population struggles to survive forced relocation, a stagnant economy and a corrupt educational system that has suppressed ethnic languages and literature. The stories that reach the international community involve the brutality of the long-reigning military regime and the diaspora of refugees in neighboring nations. Description: ".Rarely is the world able to read celebratory news about Burma.

Free myanmar love story